Costa Rica Intro to Pre-Med & Public Health, Session 1 2023

June 24, 2023
Today, we started our day at 5 am. Which was VERY early to us. We had to take a 2 hour bus ride to our first destination, the Pacuare River, where we had a traditional breakfast filled with rice and beans, eggs, and fruit. After breakfast, we went straight to rafting. Which some of us was scared to do but after the first rapid we started to love it. Many boats fell over but not one of our boats (Jahnea’s boat). After rafting we worked up an appetite which we had chicken burritos. After eating, we went back to the hotel to clean up and get ready to relax for the rest of the day. For the rest of the night we started connecting bonds with each other through bonding games and cards. Overall today was a 10/10 and cant wait for tomorrow. #livinglife #puravida #ontopoftheworld #costarica #period #firstday #rafting
Pura vida!
Jahnea B.
June 25, 2023
This morning we all got to sleep in a bit later, enjoying some authentic Costa Rican dishes, such as gallo pinto and fresh mango/pineapple juices for breakfast. Then we drove through the mountains to an authentic coffee farm where we walked around learning about and enjoying some native plants. Then we made our way to the trapiche to learn about the processing of sugar cane. We also tested different fruit and citrus combinations. After having a delicious lunch and saying hi to all the cute dogs, we roasted coffee beans and we hand ground some for home. After a steep hill walk to the bus we returned back to BrillaSol for a heartpumping dance session. With the big appetites we worked up, we sat together to enjoy a meal as well as tres leches for dessert. To end the day we played some logic games and talked about the fun days ahead!
Lots of love,
Lucie L. and Joelle A.
June 26, 2023
Pura Vida from Costa Rica! Today we awoke at about 6:30am to enjoy delicious breakfast provided by our kind friends at Hotel Brilla Sol. At around 7:30 to 8am we were dressed in scrubs to start their day shadowing medical professionals at FIMRC clinic. We split up in two groups and began taking positions learning and aiding medical staff and patients. Many worked in the pharmaceutical station logging medicine into the system and providing patients with their meds. Others worked in the waiting room greeting and welcoming guests to be treated. We even practiced our Spanish speaking skills and had an overall amazing learning experience catching a glimpse of what life in the medical field could look like for us! We also had a meeting about how the healthcare system in Costa Rica works and spent some time together!
June 27, 2023
Today was clinic day two!
Went to the clinic to see some patients
played with kids and made colorful creations
We learned to take vitals and practiced our spanish
Our fading sunburns are now tan-ish
We played some cards and went on a run
Then headed to the bakery and had a lot of fun
We played in the pool but it did not rain
Not seeing our loud little kitty, wow that sure did bring a lot of pain
We saw a water walk first hand
This made our hearts sink into the Costa Rican sand
We had a lunch misshap involving chicken and rice
Substitions were made, but we were all fed, parents no need to ask twice
All the patients we talked to were very nice and we have stopped relying on our phones as a vice
We have made many new friends
They seem to never end
Pura vida to hotel brillasol
We’re having so much fun can’t stop us we are just on a roll
Mic drop,
Lucie, Olivia, Audrey, Malia
June 28, 2023
Today was our final day working at the clinic. All of us worked hard to help those in need. Once we helped out the final patient at each clinic, we met up and before we went to lunch, we took some group photos to always have the memory of the experience. We traveled to a nearby plaza and ate poké bowls for lunch. Everyone wandered around the area for a bit afterwards before we went back on the bus. Before we arrived at our final destination, we took one last pit stop at a Walmart. Our eyes lit up once we stepped through the doors. It had an enormous amount of snacks and other items. Everyone bought food and other things for the road and soon enough we got to our new hotel. We explored the grounds and played a few group games based on case studies and the social security system in Costa Rica before going to our assigned rooms. After unpacking our suitcases and settling in, we went to dinner where we all had fish, rice, and veggies (with the exception of specialized meals). Walking back together, going to our rooms, and getting ready for bed was a great way to make the already amazing day better. We all can’t wait for the activities in the coming days.
~ Shane, Micah, Carson
June 29, 2023
Today we toured the cheese farm and started our Wilderness First Aid class. In the morning we learned about the story of the farm and we were able to make some cheese of our own. Everyone thought that the cheese was very good. While we weren’t making the cheese some of us purchased bracelets that the daughter of the cheese farmer made. We took a puppy break before touring the rest of the farm and trying some new fruits. We tried star fruit, tree grapes, and nancies. We also saw some pigs, chickens, cows, and even a strawberry dart poison frog. Our group leader Dayana shared an interesting science lesson with us about the frog we had seen. Then, after lunch, we started our class. We learned about heart attacks and cardiac arrests and other possible injuries that we could see in the wild or in the urban area. We learned how to use an AED and how to do CPR on people of any age. We took turns playing victims and rescuers in scenarios to test our knowledge and some of us were able to live but some didn’t. It was really fun to see our acting skills shine in our fake scenarios. After the class we returned to the hotel and relaxed for the rest of the night. We swam, played card games, binge watched Netflix, and talked with each other before heading to bed.
Overall it was a very busy but fun day,
June 30, 2023
We started the day off eating a hearty breakfast consisting of Gallo pinto and toast. Afterwards we went back to learn more about Wilderness First Aid at Crisley’s farm. We were there for 8 hours. While we were there we learned different ways to treat wounds and TBIs (traumatic brain injuries) along with how to use different equipment to evacuate people. Afterwards we ended up back at the hotel and ate fried chicken for dinner. It’s currently down pouring and I’m super psyched about that. The Pink Tape by Lil Uzi Vert also was released today and I’m unbelievably happy about that!! Overall it was a super tiring but fun day and I’m super pumped for tomorrow!!!!!
Elan and Bella
Note from Home Office: All photos from today are practice scenarios from the Wilderness First Aid course. No students have been injured or evacuated!
July 1, 2023
Hey there, families and friends! Tuning in from Costa Rica, where we enjoyed a day full of celebration and adventure. Today was the last day for Wildnerness First Aid Training and, excitingly the day we would receive our certification! We had breakfast at 8:00am and got ready for our last course of training in Wilderness First Aid, that ended at 11.30am. To assess our knowledge, we were given real life scenarios in which we would have to apply all we’ve learned to save our patients. Skills of teamwork, communication, and critical thinking took place. Amazingly and not surprisingly, all of us saved our patients with our great teamwork and communication skills. At the end we received our certification for working so hard! To celebrate the completion of our CPR certification, we got excited for a blast of Ziplining at Sky Adventures! Many faced our fear of heights and bonded through our victory of Ziplining for the first time! That’s all….for now. Stay tuned for yet another day of fun and learning!
July 2, 2023
Today was a well needed rest day for the group. We all had a fun bus ride where Dayana let everyone choose a song and it quickly became pandamonium with everyone singing their hearts out (especially Carson). We had a fun lunch as well at a resturant with one of the most beautiful views we all had seen. We also got new roommates at our new Hotel which is quaint and allowing for a war on the moths where the boys are going a little nuts over them. To finish off the day we went to an amazing resturant which had some of the best food of the trip so far. But all in all a nice relaxing fun day.
July 3, 2023
The sun rises, and the moon falls. Each day is a new opportunity, but each night is a coming future. To become one with yourself, with nature, you must step into the creation of life itself. Take time to understand how we are connected with the moon, take to hug a strangled tree, feel free to breathe the natural air. Most importantly seek the chance to understand the creature we coexist with. Endless world, endless possibilities, seek the adventure.
Obianuju O
July 4, 2023
Today we went back to the alternative medicine center! We cleansed our energy again and went back to plant some foxtail along the paths. We got to see some bee hotels where female bees lay their eggs, all made by Anna (the owner). We went back to the kitchen to prepare gallos, arroz con pollo, and rosemary bread! Cooking with everyone was super fun and honestly made the food taste better! Afterwards we were gifted beautifully colorful intention candles. Once we left the center we made our way to a yoga class. It was really fulfilling and fun, especially with the cool view. Afterwards we went back to the hotel and had sushi for dinner that was prepared in front of us! It was super yum!!! Overall one of my favorite and most uplifting days!
Bella and Thomas
July 5, 2023
Today was a travel day. We woke up at 7:00 am for our 7:30 am breakfast. We then left Monte Verde at 8:30 am and started our long drive. Before heading to lunch, we stopped at a frog “amusment park.” We got to learn about 25 different species of frogs, as well as insects. We left the frog muesem and drove two and a half hours to lunch. At lunch we took a much needed break, ate, and shopped for souveniers. We drove another two and a half hours to the hotel in Uvita. We relaxed, had dinner, and finally went to bed.
Katie, Sophia, Amanda, and Jessa
July 7, 2023
Surfs up! Today was a day filled with lessons, fun, patience, and muscle building. Surfing is no joke. Not only does it test your arm strength, but also your patience and dedication to the craft. It teaches you that even if a gigantic wave knocks you over a gazillion if you keep trying you’ll reach the goal you seek. But not only did we surf. We had the option to continue relaxing at the beach or go to town to shop. Try and guess what I chose ✌