France: French Immersion Adventure 2023

June 29-30, 2023
We met at the airport during different times of the day. I arrived first because my parents had to fly out in an earlier flight. People slowly kept coming h too we eventually had enough people to go through security to our gates we got food while we waited for the rest of the group to arrive. At around 7:30 everyone else came and we all introduced ourselves before the flight. We all boarded at 10:00 and the flight took off at 11:00. It was a 7 hour flight and no one really got much sleeps we landed in France at 12pm and went straight to pick up the rest of the group who met us in France at the airport. We went straight to our hotel to get settled in and everyone was assigned three roommates for the day at random. We walked to a really good falafel place for lunch while playing games to get to know each other. Then we went to Musée D’Orsay but it was closed to we walked to the Louvre before walking back to the hotel. Then we are dinner and had the option to either stay at the hotel to get some sleep or see more of Paris and that was the end of the day!
~ Max
After a long day, some of us extravagant explorers journeyed to Montmartre. We took the metro and endured a sweaty, crowded ride. When we got to Montmartre, there were a lot of stairs to climb but it wasn’t that bad. The reward was worth the strenuous endeavor. We were presented with a gorgeous panoramic view of Paris and we sang along with a French guitarist performing up there. After, we went into the basilica and heard some lovely voices singing hymns in French. We then strolled through la place de tertres where we made acquaintances and enemies by waving at random people. Then we got gelato from Amorino that was shaped into flowers. We are now on the lovely sweaty train again and we are subway surfing our way back to the hostel so that we can get a lovely nights sleep.
~ Sophie
July 1, 2023
After waking up from our first night of sound sleep in France, we quickly got a good breakfast from our hostel. Quickly we got on the road to catch our 3 hour high speed train ride to Grenoble! Due to the the current state of Grenoble, we had only a short sneak peak of the beautiful town before we hopped on the bus that took us through breathtaking valleys up to our new temporary home tucked away in the mountains, Mizoën. This beautiful gite, ran by our graceful host Anne and her son Sam, was the perfect place to rest and take in the amazing views after our morning of travel. As we all settled in and got to know each other a little bit better through some ice breaking games, as well as a couple pick up basketball and soccer games with some local kids, we sat down for dinner and enjoyed an amazing meal prepared by Anne and Sam. After some delicious apple pie for desert and some very competitive card games many of us realized that we would have a great couple days in Mizoën.
– Charlie
July 2, 2023
We started today by enjoying a nice breakfast of granola, bread, yogurt, and coffee on the porch observing the mountains. Shortly after, we had our group meeting, and got ready for rafting in the rapids.
We took the bus there, and got our wetsuits and life jackets on. The waters were cold and the rapids were fast. After the rapids, we dried off and enjoyed a picnic at the tables around the rafting area. After the picnic, we took the bus home and got ready to start our service project on a nearby mountain.
We met the service guide at the house we were staying at, and quickly made our way to the site, where we spent a couple hours in groups working on different parts of the trail, removing rocks and filling holes with dirt. Once we made our way back home to the house, we had a couple hours of downtime before dinner.
During this downtime, everyone had time to clean up, enjoy music on the group playlist, play darts, talk, and learn/ play assorted card games before dinner.
After a delicious dinner, we partook in a group scavenger hunt. The hunt was for landmarks around the village, where we had to answer questions about the landmarks in French. My group came dead last in questions answered, but we had the treat of eavesdropping on a French couple arguing, so I’d say we were the real winners. Once the hunt ended, we had more time to do what we pleased, so I chose to play soccer/ foosball with some friends and a French kid our age who was also staying in the village.
-Ben P.
July 3, 2023
Today we boarded our crowded trucks and ventured out on an all day service hike up a nearby mountain. We put on our work gloves, hiking boots, and good attitudes, and grabbed our tools. Our generous guides, Marie, Laurent and Febreeze, led us up the steep mountain, covered in rocks, grass and pretty flowers. We stopped at various points to move rocks into walls, widen paths, and cut branches. We paused at a plateau with a beautiful view for our picnic lunch, and admired the scenery while we ate our sandwiches. Then we continued up, some turning around to go back down at a relaxed pace, while others reached the summit. “The view was breathtaking; the snow capped Alps overlooked the majestic glacier river, which sparkled in the afternoon light,” a student exclaimed. After scaling the mountain, we returned down, and went back to the gite. After a delicious lasagna dinner, (which made Max realize he actually likes lasagna,) and fruit salad dessert, we played a fun game of mafia, and dispersed into free time.
PS: Our French expression of the day was “n’importe quoi” which means “get out of town.”
– Alessandra R.
July 4, 2023
This morning, we started our service work again on the mountain. This time we drove close to the summit and hiked down. Some of our service work included carving stairs into the hillside with hoes and picks, creating rock boundaries for the path, and marking the correct way with cairns. After a relaxing but hot lunch break, we went down to reassess the handiwork and continue on our way down the mountain. The trucks met us closer to the bottom and we all went back to take some well needed showers. We got back from service earlier than we expected so we had many hours of free time to call home and relax before dinner. We had a delicious dinner of chicken and ratatouille (very French!) After dinner we had our first official French lesson taught by Edwina. We practiced directions, verbs, useful terminology, and numbers. Jorge then led us in a group stretch and we started planning for our big hike tomorrow. We ended the night with an activity led by our student leaders of the day where we played music and had to guess who chose it. Our term of the day was mainly “Je suis en forme” which translated to I am ready/feeling good. Au revoir!
-Maeve and Roxy
July 5, 2023
This morning we got to sleep in a bit before our big hike up to a refuge deeper into the mountains! Caroline led us in a group stretch to prepare for the day. Our guides, Laurent, Marie, and Febreeze, along with Laurent’s daughter Anouk and two of her friends, Margot and Maelie, met us with a van for Edwina (who has a sprained ankle) and ski poles for the rest of us to use on our hike. We started hiking as soon as we walked out of le gîte. Along the way, we got to see a gorgeous new view of the mountains that are now starting to become quite familiar to us. We stopped for lunch in a beautiful clearing filled with wildflowers and trees that provided some much appreciated shade. The last half of the hike was definitely the most difficult, and we spread out a bit, with one group marching ahead (worried that if they stopped for too long, then they might not be able to stop again) and another group taking more breaks, with Marie elaborating on the many different types of flora and fauna, and Katie keeping morale up with music from her speaker. It was a big relief for everyone to finally arrive at the refuge. We had free time to shower, rest, play cards, and teach Marie and Anouk how to play Bananagrams, before a delicious dinner of couscous, chicken, Moroccan sausage, and a variety of French cheeses prepared by our lovely host Stefanie. We ended the day in the best way by sharing a small moment of joy or gratitude that we had each experienced that day!
– Anne Fowlkes S.
PS: The expression of the day was “ça roule, ma poule!”
July 6, 2023
Today, we got to have a nice sleep in after yesterdays hike. We ate a delicious breakfast made by Raphäel and Stephanie. After, we had a group stretch led by Max. Then we started our hike to the glacier lake to swim! Edwina was able to accompany us today (even though she has a sprained ankle) which was really exciting. We stopped at a lake and took in the breathtaking view as we ate our lunches. After we continued our hike and eventually made it to the glacier lake! The water was freezing but it was super fun. After a very steep hike back, some kids went to do service work with the sheep. They carried heavy bags of salt and helped out the shepherd a lot. Today was Cal’s birthday so at dinner we all celebrated and had a really delicious cake. For our evening activity we burned away our negative self beliefs into a bonfire and really took the time to reflect on ourselves. Even though everyone was exhausted from yesterdays hike, we still managed to have a great day.
By the way, our expression of the day was “On s’y accroche!” which means “we got this!” and I think today definitely proved that we do in fact got this.
– Pauline B.
July 7, 2023
This morning, we slept in after a tiring yet adventure-filled day and were treated to a hearty breakfast, which consisted of bread, jam and Nutella. We then packed up our belongings and began the trek down the mountain, leaving the massive, snow-capped Alps behind. We stopped for a brief lunch break during the descent, where we enjoyed our wraps and chips. Consequently, the group passed through a small mountain village called Besse, to visit a museum about shepherds in the Alps. After, we had some ice cream at a local cafe and finished the hike to Mizoen. Sadly, we wished our goodbyes to our wonderful guides, Laurent, Fabrice and Marie, whom aided us during the service days and the hikes in the Alps. After, we had an outdoor French lesson led by Edwina, and we wrote letters to our home stay families. To end the long and eventful day, we played a fun game of Sardines and packed for yet another exciting day ahead.
– Annabel
July 8, 2023
Today, we said goodbye to Anne, our host at the Gite, and boarded the bus to Avignon! We played games and made friendship bracelets throughout the traffic, and stopped about 2 hours in for a lunch and snack break. We all ordered hot dogs and rejoiced in the rest stop food, then rode another hour to our destination in Avignon. We got to live the true southern french experience when we waited for the shuttle to the city (under the sweltering heat) only to be stood up, but we got to see some beautiful views on the walk instead!! We entered the walls of the city and saw the theater festival in full effect – glittered faces, lit up carousels, artisan stands and ice cream for days. We walked through the Palais de Papes with our tour guide Francois , who told us all about the gardens, the mosaics, and the living quarters of where the pope lived. After that, we took a crepe and ice cream break, and watched all of the street performers while munching down!! Then, after we went souvenir shopping and viewed the Pont d’Avignon, we ate and amazing dinner full of steak and ravioli and even beef tartare (that one took some convincing). finally, We wrapped up our night by learning all about the family’s that will be hosting us and playing games at the hotel.
– Caroline
July 9, 2023
This morning we woke up early and left the YMCA for our kayaking trip on the Rhône. After a short intro on the techniques of kayaking, we headed down the river and navigated through lots of seaweed and swimming people. Along the way we saw the impressive Roman aqueduct, called le Pont du Gard. To cool off, the group swam in the river while locals were cliff jumping into the water below. After our adventure, we boarded the bus to meet our families who would be hosting us for the next week. We met at a park and indulged in food before leaving for our homes for the next week.
– Benji H.
July 10, 2023
Today and a great day! We woke up and had an authentic French breakfast with our host families. We took the bus to Chateau de Coustaussa and did some trail work. The bus ride was used as a nap time in order to prepare for the day ahead. We built a sturdy wall with rocks from a path we cleared. After the work, we were tired and hot from the sun so we found some shade and celebrated Erin’s birthday with ice cream cake and watermelon. Yum! Afterward we took the bus to Carcassonne which was used again as a nap time to recover from the work. We cooled down with some ice cream. I got lavender flavor! Most people were hot during the tour of the castle, which tested our group’s resilience. Our group moved through the challenge, and we then directed ourselves to shopping! I got a cute poster for my room in case you were wondering. After shopping we went home with our host families and enjoyed some free time. At my hosts house we cooled down with a shower and then had a delicious pasta salad for dinner that reminded me of my mothers cooking. The best! It was a good day despite the heat!
– Livia B.
July 11, 2023
Today, my host sisters and I woke up to a beautiful French breakfast. My host mommy (Fabienne) got us chocolate croissants and apple juice just for me! She then let us know that our guide Katie would soon be driving to take us by car to the group meeting spot for the day. Katie arrived shortly after breakfast and we were all on our way. Suddenly, we heard a “THUD” and found out we had a flat tire! But, as the French say, “C’est la vie!” For us, it was just a little addition to our adventures. We were only 2 minutes away, so we parked the car and joined our fellow students for our morning meeting.
During our morning meeting, Edwina led us in a fun game of “human knot” and the we found out that today we were going to work at a camp with little French kids! To prepare, we grouped up to create some fun games that would help us connect with the little French kids. We headed into the school building and then we separated in groups to interact and help the teachers in each classroom. Some people were drawing, some were creating poems and songs, and others kids just wanted to ask us questions about the United States.
Talking with little kids was a great way to better our French and they were so cute! After that we had our lunch and swam at a nearby lake. We spent the afternoon back at the camp to hang out with the little kids some more. It was long and exciting day. By the end, I was happy to go home and get some get rest after eating my host mommy’s amazing French dinner.
By the way, if my Mom and Bryce are reading this I do in fact miss you! Love you mommy <3
– Amari C.
July 12, 2023
After a good night’s sleep, we ate breakfast with our host families and practiced our French conversation skills. Then, we congregated at the parking lot and got on the bus to Coutoussa for our last day of service. The blanket of clouds protected us from the heat while we worked to clear the trails. We enjoyed our lunch on a small patio nearby, and as we digested, we formed a circle where we shared our music tastes with one another. Then, it was back to work! With the help of our guide, Gotié, we diligently rebuilt the trail. We cut and ripped vines from the wall, leveled the foundation, and uncovered an old wall that had been buried for years. After a couple hours, it was time to say goodbye to Gotié and hop on the bus to meet with our host families. Because we arrived an hour early, we were able to take a brief swim in the lake! We played soccer with our host families, tournament style, and cheered on the sidelines. As the sun spilled its last rays through the clouds, we said Au Revoir to our friends and left the park to spend the rest of the evening with our host families.
– Phoebe
July 13, 2023
Bonjour! Yesterday was the day we had been waiting for… BEACH DAY!! The day started with a two hour, very relaxing and scenic, bus ride. Some people slept and others didn’t, personally I did. After the ride, we arrived in Collioure, and headed directly down to the Mediterranean. Our leaders showed us our boundaries and then sent us off for free time until two. Each of us split into smaller groups but would constantly run into each other as we explored. The stores were so cute (I bought a ring which I was excited about) and everyone got lots of ice cream. Ellia did eat three ice creams while we were there:). At one, the group made its way back together and decided to swim before our walking tour at two. We played volleyball and football in the water and stayed very cautious while walking because of sea urchins (which quickly became everyone’s new phobia… especially Javie who refused to let his feet touch the ground). Then we had our walking tour where we learned a little bit about the history of Collioure and some artists in the area. We also walked into this amazing church with wooden carvings painted in gold (we also enjoyed the fact that it was nice and cool inside the church). After the hour, we got one more hour to explore before our bus ride back. We all did more of the same, walking in and out of all kinds of stores and galleries (Ellia, Caroline and I found this very cool street full of art galleries, each selling a different style of art). After we said goodbye to the Mediterranean, we headed home to get picked up by our host families. When we arrived back, Ellia and I were picked up by our host mom and went home for a quick turn around before going out to dinner. We went to Douzens and met up with Pauline and Alessandra. There, we ate dinner, danced and listened to music. It was a BLAST! Then, at 12:30, we finally made it home and fell right to sleep. It was such a great day!
July 14, 2023
Bonjour! Today is the fête nationale de France, which is like the 4th of July of France! We got to spend the whole day with our host families. Our day started off with our first sleep-in of the trip!! I was very happy. Erin, me, and our family got ready and headed to the beach. It was only an hour car ride and on the way there we stopped and met our host mom’s mom! Once we got to the beach we laid in the sun, read, ate lunch, and swam in the ocean for a while! We came back in to the beach and laid down, but unbeknownst to us we would soon fall asleep on the beach and get a sunburn. We headed home where we discovered the aforementioned sunburns and laughed very hard before realizing that we had to swim again tomorrow… But the day wasn’t over! We got ready and left to go to the center of Carcassonne, which is a huge castle and home to France’s second best fireworks (after Paris)! We parked and walked into the city, where we got dinner and then met up with Pauline, Alessandra, and their family (they had already gotten a spot… 3 hours ago..!). There were so many people everywhere! We waited for another hour or so and then got to see an amazing fireworks show!! France wins this one. After the fireworks ,we walked back through the town where everyone was headed for the post firework concert. On the way, we stopped for ice cream and Erin spotted two of our leaders, Katie and Edwina! We learned that lots of our friends were there too, and once we made it to the concert, we started looking around and quickly found Jack and Charlie (the tallest). We of course asked our host parents for permission and then headed into the crowd! It was a Beatles cover band, and Jack knew every word of every song… I was proud when yellow submarine came on because I know that one! We also saw Max and Griffin, and we all hung out and watched the show until it was over. We ate some churros and then headed home! It was a long night, and Erin and I finally passed out at 3am, right after journaling and offering a quick prayer to god to heal our sunburns. Such a fun day!! P.S to my and Erin’s parents: it is the day after and our sunburns are, in fact, getting better – don’t worry!
July 15, 2023
Today was our last day with our host familles. And so, to end on a high note, our group confronted a high ropes course & a water gym.
However, before we did any of this, we started our last day sleeping in. At 11:00am, we all gathered at the park one last time to meet the host siblings that would be joining us today. (Global Works extended an invitation of the course & the gym to the french siblings that wanted to join. My host sister, Valentina, and her friend, Angela, joined us).
We started our day with a morning meeting where we played a get to know you game (a mock-speed dating) to properly be introduced to each others families.
After, we headed to the ropes course, where we ate lunch at the picnic tables while chatting about our Bastille day experiences.
The ropes course was amazing. I learned that the french really like zip-lining. There was practically a zip-line after every two obstacles. There was a zip-line that went across the lake and back. Twice! This part was especially pretty (and the most fun!) Some parts of the course were a bit difficult at times, however it was very doable & worth it! For those who stayed behind, whether that be because of heights or not, made the right call for themselves.
Next, we walked all the way over to the other side of the lake to get strapped into our life vests & to jump into the water. I loved the water gym! There was this tall tower where we jumped off into the lake. Some people did impressive flips while others just jumped off with their best screams, but we all had fun! Another part of the course was (in the best way I can describe this) a blob thing. We would all try to run up the blob, but we would eventually all fall back down. Sometimes, more then not, we would fall on each other forcing ourselves to fall into the lake.
Eventually, as all good things do come to an end, our two hours were up & our last day over. It was time to say au revoir to everyone & to retreat to our host family homes for one last night.
It has been a great Host family experience, & I think I can speak for everyone when I say I will miss Carcassonne.
– Ana Luiza Bacchi
July 16, 2023
Today, with tears in our eyes, we said goodbye to our accommodating host families after a wonderful week of zest and cheer. After we sadly said au revoir, we took a quick 30 minute train ride to Narbonne and connected to another train. On the voyage, a few of us wrote letters to all the French people who have helped us throughout our journey here in France such as Laurent, Marie, Fabreeze, Anne, and Sam. Then after many games of train poker, 4 hours later, we arrived at the hostel in Paris and unpacked a little. We then had 2 hours of free time to shop in Paris. After a beautiful time strolling the streets and buying some souvenirs for our families, we headed to dinner. We ate at la Grande Mosquée. The Moroccan food was full of flavor and showed us a different side of French culture. We then walked to the Pont Neuf for an evening boat tour. On the boat tour we saw lots of cool things including the wonder and sparkling Eiffel Tower. After we saw the famous tower, we returned to the post meuf and walked back to the place we were staying. Then we chilled out a little and then went to sleep. Then Benji said that it would make his whole trip and his foot would feel so much better if Edwina let him go to the PSG store.
-Cal H
July 17, 2023
Yesterday, it was finally time to climb up the Eiffel Tower. We took the metro to the Trocadéro plaza where we all took a group photo to celebrate our French adventures. Then we walked to the tower and stood in line to get tickets. The wait was long and I was eager to get to the top. Then we started our way up the stairs. On the first floor, some of us bought a pizza and shared it. Now we can say we ate pizza on the Eiffel Tower! We walked up another flight and then got on the elevator to the top. We enjoyed the amazing view of all of Paris. It was stunning. After taking it all in we then went back down the stairs to go sit on the grass and admire the tower from down below. It was cool to get two different perspectives! We also learned that someone is legally married to the Eiffel Tower We went to a grocery store to get some food for a much deserved lunch and then quickly headed into the metro to the Louvre. We went through the museum which was easy to get lost in but worth it. It was so beautiful. Then we went for a stroll through the Paris streets and did a little shopping. After all the walking, I was glad to get back to the MIJE for dinner and a quick rest before our final event of the day, The Arc de Triomphe! We climbed up to the top of the arch and when we got there we watched the sunset. Some people chose to walk back and some took the metro. On the walk back, we got ice cream and even went to a fair for a couple minutes. It was a really fun second to last day!
– Sasha