Global Works Community Updates

Take a look at our community updates from around the world!
Costa Rica – El Refugio
Hola from El Refugio! We are grateful for all the students that have made such a positive impact over the years. You will forever be part of our families and community!
Progress continues on the Salon Comunal and our next task is to finish installing the other half of the roof! We’ve been able to enjoy the space for group gatherings and are motivated to complete the next stage! None of this would be possible without you! Abrazos!
Costa Rica -Pueblo Nuevo
Greetings from Pueblo Nuevo! We are so proud of the work that you helped us achieve this past summer! The fresh paint and the mural have given life to our community buildings and we remember our time with you fondly!
We hope you’ll come back and visit us soon!
Costa Rica – Veracruz
Veracruz community members are enjoying their newly renovated community center. After the PMD students left, they continued the work started by Global Works’ students and were able to finish the fencing around the center.
The community was so pleased with the work the students did that they decided to extend the original project, and several members recently painted a mural. They are looking forward to groups visiting next year to work on a children’s playground in the town center.
Costa Rica – Cedral
On behalf of all the families of Cedral, Costa Rica, we send a big hug to all the student volunteers that have visited us and supported our community projects!
The cabina that the group worked on at Marco, Melissa, and Bianka’s house has been slightly delayed. Not long after the group left, an electrical fire started in their house. Luckily they were home and able to put it out with no major damage.
However, they had to use the money that they planned to invest in finishing the cabina to completely re-install the electrical wiring in their house! The good news is that they are busy harvesting coffee now and with the income they’ll be able to finish the cabina at the start of 2019!
We’re thinking about you and miss you!
Costa Rica – Sea Turtle Expedition
This past season ASTOP identified 60 different nesting leatherback females and relocated 64 nests. It may not sound like a lot, but every one counts. The latest stock assessment released this year determined that all Atlantic leatherback populations are declining, and it shows. (In 2012, ASTOP identified over 200 individual nesting leatherback females and relocated 300 nests).
Most researchers are stumped: the biggest threats to leatherbacks are poaching on nesting beaches and being caught as bycatch by fishing vessels in the water. There will need to be an integrated and international solution to save the species, but so far that hasn’t happened. The best we can do on a personal level is just keep doing what we do, supporting local conservation projects because every nest counts!
Fiji – Building Community & New Zealand & Fiji – Eco Adventure
Bula Global Works students! The village of Nativi wishes you all a Happy New Year! We miss you, especially the kids, who love telling stories of their time with you and all the games you played together!
The kindergarten teacher is very appreciative of the work you did on the extension to her house. She is enjoying the new kitchen and hopes you’ll return soon to share a meal with her.
France – Language & Leadership
Bernard’s organization Camins is continuing their research on the Camino de Santiago and a few students from Narbonne who worked alongside Global Works last summer were able to go to Andalusia thanks to their work in Pouzols. Volunteering with their organization in Narbonne and Camins allowed them to go on trips they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford. In Pouzols, they worked on the building of a bridge and were given the chance to visit the prototype of a medieval itinerary in the village which is a stopover on the way to Santiago de Compostela. Check out a video they put together!
In early December, the organization was also very happy to participate in the first European film festival about the Camino de Santiago. The event took place in Paris and many film directors were present to discuss the representation of the Camino on the big screen. It was the opportunity for Bernard to talk about his work in Pouzols to show off the local heritage.
In November, the volunteers who are doing archaeological research were very happy to find an old manuscript dating from 1683 where the history of the Pilgrims hospital in Pouzols can be found. They are currently studying it to find significant information about the hospital and the pilgrims on the Camino.
The organization is becoming more and more famous in the region and they are getting more and more funds to continue their work, which makes Bernard, the president of the organization very happy (see photo!).
Galapagos Islands – Marine & Service Adventure
In Galápagos Global Works continues our reforestation work with the Cerro Mesa Ecological Reserve on the island of Santa Cruz. Cerro Mesa is the largest private conservation project in the Galápagos archipelago and is an important buffer zone for the Galápagos National Park. Working with the reserve and forest exports from GNP, Global Works is committed to a long-term, native species reforestation initiative that is reestablishing an important biological corridor for five species of land tortoises.
Guatemala – International Development
Limitless Horizons Ixil alumni and all-star tour guide Antonio, who led a Global Works trip in Chajul earlier this year, is an exemplar of what’s possible when we invest in youth’s potential to improve their community. One of five children, he was raised in a home without basics—no electricity, plumbing, or beds. His parents survived Guatemala’s 36-year civil war and worked hard just to survive. His father never went to school at all and his mom only finished third grade, so Antonio never dreamed he’d get an education past elementary school—until he got a scholarship from Limitless Horizons Ixil that allowed him to continue!
After graduating high school, he started giving tours of Chajul in English to Limitless Horizons Ixil’s visiting groups, sparking his desire to pursue a tourism degree in college. He also worked as an administrative fellow in our office, earning income to support his family, and receiving guidance to successfully apply to university!
In addition to studying nights and weekends at university, Antonio now teaches weekly “Adventures in English” classes to eager children in our community library and works as a beloved English teacher at San Gaspar Middle School. Today, his dream is to someday open his own tour company in Chajul to bring jobs to the community and share its rich culture with the world. Hear Antonio’s story first hand.
To support Antonio and other young people making change in Chajul, email [email protected]
Panama – Change Makers
The school of El Carmen sends holiday wishes to everyone! The students are finishing up the school year and looking forward to their summer break!
The sidewalk that was build this past June/July is much appreciated and has helped keep students from getting muddy, especially during this heavy rain season! The colorful eco-garden has been expanded and new plants have been planted.
Additionally, the completed and painted basketball court, worked on by numerous GW groups over the years, sees regular action from the students during recess! We hope you come back and visit us soon!
Peru – Hardcore Service Adventure
The Sacred Valley Project continues to work diligently to empower young women by supporting the education of indigenous girls. Thanks to your help this past summer, more progress was made on the dormitory construction than we could have imagined!
Our goal in 2019 is to be able to support the education of 53 students. Through your generous help, we’ve been able to provide over 8 year of uninterrupted support for indigenous girls from the area.
Puerto Rico – Hurricane Maria Relief
Saludos from the whole community of Villa del Rio! We are so thankful for everything you’ve done to help us rebuild our community! Each one of you has made an impact on our lives and given us strength to rebuild after Hurricane Maria.
In 2018, programming in Puerto Rico experienced the following:
-13 volunteer groups ranging in age from middle school students to university groups who spent vacations and summer breaks working on rebuilding efforts focusing upon specific projects selected by the community members in Villa del Rio.
-A total of 281 students, teachers, and Global Works leaders combined for a total of 51 days of work in Villa del Rio and an estimated 400 plus hours of direct community service.
-A total of 15 homes were built/improved using 1871 bags of cement, 904 rebar hoops for columns, and 108 bundles of steel rods.
Given the reality of limited resources available in many of the undeserved communities in Puerto Rico, the road to recovery will be a long one. We hope that 2019 will eclipse 2018 in the number of groups that we have traveling to Puerto Rico in order to continue our rebuilding efforts on the island. We would be humbled to see many of our former groups returning to continue adding links to the chain of sustainability in projects which we have already started! Following the storm, we established a Villa del Rio Community Fund which we use to enhance project budgets in Villa del Rio. Those interested are invited to visit our GoFundMe page.
Spain – Service & Sights
Saludos from Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad! We continue to offer a home to those who have been uprooted, excluded, socially disadvantaged and living with violence in order to recover the family spirit. We greatly appreciate your collaboration and support this past summer and think of you fondly each time we pass the mosaic!
Spain – Language & Leadership
Saludos from Voluns and Acció Ecologista Agró! We are very grateful for your support this summer protecting the wetlands outside of Valencia! Through your efforts and the continued work of many organizations and volunteers we are slowly reversing the negative effects of decades of rice farming, pollution, and invasive specifies in the Albufera Reserve.
This fall we’ve been able to open Casa Penya for a variety of education initiatives that support environmental conservation including guided tours and special activities. Many small actions create big change, thank you for being a part of what we’re doing!