Greene Hill School Costa Rica 2019

May 1, 2019
We woke up and had breakfast, then got on our little bus to go to Crisley’s Cheese farm with the bus driver Chicho. We stopped half way to pick up some snacks and candy and junk food (lots…) and then went on to the farm. In the end it was a two and a half hour bus ride, but there were some great views and even some bonds forming. When we got there, we first got to listen to Crisley talk about the history of his family’s farm and how their community of sixteen different families help one another. Next we had lunch, cooked by Crisley’s wife, Patricia, and it was really delicious. A bit later we went on a short walk down the path through the farm. Crisley and his children, Wesley and Naomi, showed us the fruit they had growing, like red beans, star fruit, mango, yucca, sweet lemons, and guava. We got to try some of the fruits they were growing and they were divine. It was so nice to try them so fresh, home-grown, and natural. Then we saw the animals they were raising, including chickens and turkeys and ducks, and there were even some ducklings we got to hold, as well as a rooster and a baby turkey. We also saw their cows, pigs, and horse and learned about how the farm is a cycle using the pigs’ poop as gas to heat up and pasteurize the milk for the cheese, and remains of the milk when it was separated during pasteurization was then fed to the pigs. Some of us hiked up toward the forest and got to see some tiny, bright red, venomous frogs, called coquis azules . Then we went back down and got to make our own cheese! We stretched out the freshly cooked mass of cheese. We then wrapped it into a ball, like yarn. We got to try pieces of the cheese and it was so incredible. We loaded back onto the bus and drove to our new hotel. After settling in we jumped in the pool right away and stayed in there for a very long time. We had free time and so we hung out and had a spontaneous band photoshoot. Then it was time for dinner and it was great. We’re having a very good time, and the weather is beautiful. Tomorrow we get to spend the day with middle schoolers at a school nearby.
Pura Vida!
Vera and Cid
May 2, 2019
We woke up at 6, and then proceeded to make a bunch of noise until breakfast. After breakfast we got ready to go to school! (on our “vacation” though) But it didn’t disappoint! Once we got there we were greeted by very friendly and kind of English-speaking students. We toured the school with our student guides, and then went to some different classes. The school was like a small college campus. They had a ping-pong table, soda bar, and ice cream! Some of us took math classes, social studies, technology, English, free periods, and etc. After we all took three classes we had to go. On our way back to the living quarters, we jammed out to some tunes. Then we went swimming for a long time. At the time of writing we just ate dinner. The food has been good.
Pura Vida!
James, Jinu, Tomas
P.S. Catch ya on the flip-side!!!!!!!!!
May 3, 2019
We woke up and ate breakfast just as the days before, then got on the bus and headed to La Lucha school to do community service. After being greeted by the students we split into two groups. Half of us painted the outside fences silver while the others built a cement path from the road to the school. We ate a lunch of rice, beans and spaghetti at the school. Right after we hopped back on the bus and headed to the Proyecto ASIS animal rescue center. We had a great tour guide who took us on a tour of the facility and explained some of the slightly brutal truths behind why the animals needed rehabilitation at all. The center was lush and beautiful, it felt very natural and comforting. Some of the animals we saw included, macaws, toucans, lots of parrots, a skunk and raccoons, a type of wild cat and various monkey species. Later, we were taught how to feed the different animals in a means that did not encourage a domesticated reaction. We also made different feeding toys and puzzles designed to stimulate the animals and keep them excited. It was funny to see the monkeys pick and choose between the foods they liked (bananas and papayas) and the food they less enjoyed (anything green or leafy). We were all particularly grateful to have that experience at ASIS because it is very unlikely any of us would have been able to see these animals in the wild and be able to appreciate them up close.
Pura vida!
Max and Marlene
May 4, 2019
Today for breakfast we had pancakes and eggs as well as orange juice and water. We then went back to “La Lucha Escuela” and painted soccer goalposts. After applying two coats (not one (or three)) we learned how to make tortillas. There was a lot of pounding and slapping of dough but we ended up making really good tortillas which we ate for lunch. Afterwards some of us were able to participate in a Latin dance instructional piece by the students of the school. We hopped on the magic school bus and took a trip with to a waterfall. We swam for a while downstream from the waterfall. We then hopped back on the Magic School Bus back to the hotel. Most of us swam again before eating dinner. For dinner we ate fajitas and rice and beans. We will soon have a traditional Latin dance class with our group leader Randall.
As always “Life’s a bean” – Guru Sloth
Until next time…Pura vida!
Jasper and Elliot
May 5, 2019
Last day of Costa Rica, we all wish we had more time. Today we had to wake up and eat a little bit earlier than usual because it was the last day at our hotel and we were all excited to go zip-lining. Although not all of us went on the zip-line, and some chose to walk instead through the tropical canopies, the view was absolutely breathtaking. Each line was long enough to fully enjoy the amazing views from incredible heights, it was amazing, (so long as you didn’t look down). After the zip-lining we ate lunch at a small restaurant and then proceeded to drive to the next hotel. When we arrived, we went for a quick swim, enjoyed the skyline view and ate dinner on the porch. It was the perfect close to an amazing trip.
Pura vida!
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