Why Travel is the Best Gift to Give

Not sure what to get for your loved ones? What about the experience of a life time! Here are 5 reasons why the gift of travel deserves the “best gift ever” award!
1. Trends Come and Go
Styles fade in and out. Give a sustainable gift, one that never goes out of style – travel! The memories, experiences, and friends made along the way live on forever!
2. Travel Supports Personal Growth
Travel is the ultimate aid to personal growth. You are constantly put into new environments that teach you something about yourself and the world. You’ll return home with new perspectives and stories!
3. Money Goes to a Good Place
In a world where we can buy anything at the click of a button, it is hard to know who we are supporting with our money. A little research goes a long way to ensure you are putting your money where your month is. With the rise of Benefit Corporations, it is easier to know what organizations are leaving a positive impact on society and the environment. Some travel organizations such as, Global Works, are certified B – Corps so you can sign up with confidence that your money is being used productively! Among all the consumerism, be a smart consumer!
4. A Gift that Keeps on Giving
Participate in sustainable volunteering while traveling! Volunteering allows you to make an impactful difference in a community and yourself! The lessons and perspectives that you bring back will have an impact on your community at home!
5. Travel Aids Development
Tourism contributes to the development of many countries by creating new jobs. This gives individuals an opportunity to create a better life for themselves. When you travel with purpose you can positively impact the advancement of nations across the world.
Give the gift of travel this holiday season. Global Works is offering a $250 discount off tuition the entire month of December. If you enroll by December 15th, we will also send you a Global Works water bottle and t-shirt!