Meet our 2018 Ambassadors: Lily on Costa Rica La Pura Vida

Global Works is a program Lily has followed for many years and she is thrilled to finally have the opportunity and availability to participate. Her high school is Marlborough School in Los Angeles, where she is the Arts Representative for her class and is extremely involved in the school’s theater program (20-30 hours per week). Her favorite classes are Photography and Spanish. Lily is Co-President of school’s Alliance Club and a staff member of the Literary Magazine. Most friends, family and teachers would describe her as an easy-going, well-balanced, curious, adventuresome girl. She is proud to be someone who knows how to find fun in any situation.
Her high school has provided many opportunities for Community Service. Lily has worked closely with her school’s director of Community Outreach on projects in the Los Angeles area including Baby2Baby and Homeboy Industries. Independently, she has completed a self-defense and empowerment program and now volunteers with Impact Personal Safety. She enjoys hikes, backpacking and has a personal goal to visit all of the National Parks in the U.S. She is eager to expand her leadership roles and knows Global Works would provide her with excellent tools for this.
For the past 5 ½ years Lily has been been deeply involved in several Type One Diabetes communities in Los Angeles. She has organized a team for several JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) fundraising walks and raised several thousand dollars on their behalf. She is additionally a Youth Leader with The PADRE Foundation in Orange, CA. (Pediatric Adolescent Research and Education) which provides diabetes education to the community and raises diabetes awareness. Lily enjoys giving back to a community that has given so much to her. She is confident she will do the same for Global Works.