Skinner M.S. Spain

June 8-9, 2019
Hi families! I’m not sure how many hours ago it was that I saw you, but I’m writing this at 9:30PM (Spain time). After our fun 3:30AM airport arrival, we began the journey to Malaga! Sleeping was a little tricky on the plane and in JFK airport, so many of us were sleepy as we arrived to our new country. We met Ari and Hailey at the airport and took the bus to FES (Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad). Nearly all the students fell asleep on the bus! Sadly, I had coffee along with the airplane breakfast, so I failed at getting a quick nap in.
After getting settled in Casa 7, our house, we spent time getting to know each other and learning about FES. We met a few residents as we walked through the facility and had a lovely lunch of salad, a rice and zucchini dish, fruit, and bread. Up to this point everything at FES was awesome, but I think that the majority of us were most excited about the next part…siesta! We got some much needed rest for the next couple hours. Poor Ari and Hailey had the daunting task of rousing all of us after siesta, and they may have confused us with zombies at that point. I truly wish I had taken a picture of the post-siesta exhaustion! It was a real struggle!
We pushed through the exhaustion as we learned all about FES from Ignacio, one of the founders. We learned about the many talleres (workshops) that they have to teach residents skills that can be used later in life. Next was dinner which led to a second wind. Regardless of this, the kids are in their rooms quieting down since we have a full day tomorrow and need to adjust to the time difference as quickly as possible. This is hard since it’s currently 9:40PM and still light outside. After returning from dinner, I did a quick check-in about the food out of curiosity. Everyone gave me a thumbs up or middle, which I see as good news. Thanks for all your support!!
~ Maestra Overton
Today was a fun filled, packed day! We started off the day with finishing our community service portion of the trip, and took a trip to the pool to cool off. We played a game of futbol (soccer) at the local soccer field, then we did something different than usual for dinner… We were split into groups according to the home continents of the people living in the foundation, such as Africa, Latin America, Morocco, and volunteers from around the world. Then, we ate a dinner similar to a traditional dish from the assigned continents. We all ate with people from these parts of the world in their homes. Even though we didn’t understand everything the people sitting near us were saying we were able to pick up enough to have a conversation and get to know a little bit more about the people who live at F.E.S. Overall this day was a super fun experience!
We said goodbye to our new family and friends at FES early this morning. It was sad to go, yet we were excited for the new experiences to come. After a 2 hour bus ride, we arrived in the beautiful city of Córdoba. We walk across an old Roman bridge to visit the Mesquita – or the mosque from the time of the Moors. It now serves also as a cathedral and it powerful and grand inside. We ate a fantastic lunch of fish and meats then hopped back on the bus to drive 2 more hours to the riverside city of Sevilla. It is stunning here. We are staying in a hotel will tile lined walls and a fountain in the middle. We acted like Spaniards as we ate tapas, gelato, and walked around the streets late into the evening. We are exhausted and ready for more Sevilla tomorrow!
Today was a blast! We went and toured the Alcazar, had a cooking class, toured the cathedral and best of all went to the place where Sergio Ramos was getting married. (The cathedral that we were in earlier that day). We weren’t able to see him but we were able to see pictures! I prayed soooooo many times to see Sergio but it never worked. During our cooking class we made paella and it was delicious and so fun to cook for ourselves. All in all, it was a blast. We even went shopping and had ice cream. I can’t thank you parents enough for letting us go on this trip. We ended the day watching the sun set by the river and dancing around and laughing like crazy. It was a blast so far for everyone.
– Aidan
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