St. Stephens St. Agnes School Puerto Rico 2023

April 25, 2023
The start of the day was great. The flight was amazing and the whole process went smoothly. The Global Works people were so amazingly kind and welcoming. We had a great time in the vans, jamming out to the tunes. When we found parking, we met out tours guides in front of the wall that goes all around Old San Juan. We walked up huge hills until we got to the top and looked at the beautiful views. As the tour went on, we visited old monuments, churches, statues, and forts. For a delicious lunch, we went to an authentic Puerto Rican restaurant. After a wonderful and funny time eating, we went to three local shops to buy souvenirs. After waiting for the people to stop shopping, we drove to the Big Yellow House. When we all finished getting settled, we played sand/dirt volleyball. Once it was time for dinner, we had a fantastic meal that was catered to the house. After eating, we went over the rules, goals, and expectations of out trip. We created a poster and signed a flag as proof of commitment. Lastly, we were given our devices for an hour and had free time before heading to bed.
Blog by yours truly,
Ava F. and Lila B.
April 26, 2023
Today was a big day! We woke up and had a great Puerto Rican breakfast and then got ready for a day of service. We drove over to the Villa del Rio community, to a family’s house that had been destroyed by Hurricane Maria where we helped start building it by making and using cement. We had a lot of fun and got to meet lots of new people! After the service, we had an amazing lunch provided by Maria, the wife of one of the community members. We then had some downtime and chilled around the Big Yellow House. Then, we got to go to the beach, where we got to go swimming and took a hike on a nearby cliff. After the beach, we had some more downtime where we played a thrilling game of basketball. Then, we had dinner consisting of chicken, rice, and salad. Finally, to end our day off, we got to learn how to salsa dance as a group at the house. Then we ended the day with some downtime before heading to bed!
By Benjamin N. and Evan P.
April 27, 2023
Today started by packing so our stuff is ready for Casa Coral. We had waffles for breakfast at the Big Yellow House. Then we left to do some construction on Marias house, had spaghetti for lunch, and we were gifted jewelry. After that we went on a journey through coffee stops (thanks Mr. Gerrity) and continued with lots of music with Danny (Bus Driver). We arrived at Casa Coral and headed to the beach. We had lots of fun taking photos and cracking open coconuts. We dried off, got snacks, and called family, then got ready for kayaking in the bio luminescent water. We got to the water sports area and got geared up. We traveled 1 mile through mangroves and arrived at the Lagoon Grande and saw the glowing plankton. We headed back and made a pitstop at Wendy’s for dinner. After, we heading back got ready for bed, ate ice cream sandwiches, and fell asleep with ease, dreaming about our last night in Puerto Rico.
By Sera R., Isabella G., Megan P., Zoe B.